Some of us hunt for fossils, others for live specimens. Here are some such tales.

poster by Nyco Rudolph

John Halverson, near Rapid City, SD. photo by Jim Hatzell
The worst part about searching for the mokele-mbembe is actually finding one! Dangerous fellows!

Mokele-mbembe spotted in a forest. photo by Paul Denton

Cole Halley-Burton getting too close to a pachyrhinosaurus.
They hate it when you ‘moo’ at them.

Indeed, the feisty “Pachy” took a heavy toll on the expedition. Apparently it likes to chew on shoes.

Cole befriends a young triceratops.

Beache outrunning a Chasmosaurus… barely.

This wasn’t in the brochure.
“It was then I reconsidered my enrollment in the League, and it suddenly became clear why the guides and porters took flight, screaming.
They failed to mention this sort of thing at the recruitment office and it wasn’t in any of their literature.” – A.E. Sable

Can’t. Keep. Jaws. Open. Any. Longer. –
Man versus beast.
-photo by Jens Notroff