Field Station 24 needed a surface to lay out maps and plans as well as to eat and drink upon, so rather than wait 18 months for a table ordered from the Sears & Roebuck Catalogue, we built one out of empty expedition crates.
Over time, all the Founders of the Dominion Geographic Society have left their mark upon the table… as well as all sorts of other marks. Tobacco and lantern kerosene burns included.
Cole Halley-Burton’s signature and expedition notes.
Professor Beache’s name appears on the edge of a plank which includes a coin and boasts a few bullet holes from some action at his Field Station.
Another of Beache’s planks containing two more bullet holes and evidence of a fire.
Some famous and infamous guests have left a records of meetings with the DGS, including this braggart and his young daughter.

Essential Equipment
Those who have been unable to meet at Field Station 24 have sent mementos of their expedition participations and Society membership.
Any and all visitors to Field Station 24, in Calgary, are welcome to add their mark to The DGS Founders Table. Consider it an invitation.
