List of recommended books
Dead Reckoning (2002) by Helen Whybrow
- An anthology featuring thirty-five thrilling examples of top-drawer true life adventure writing from the 19th century, penned by those who lived it.
- Captures and illustrates the substance, the spirit, and the style to which The Dominion Geographic Society aspires.
The Explorers’ Guild (2015) by Baird & Costner
- Illustrated by Rick Ross
- An exciting and dramatic fictionalized adventure tale told in the style and spirit of H. Rider Haggard, accurately recreating the storytelling style of the late-19th century.
- Accurately reflects the Core Beliefs and Approach to Adventure embraced by The Dominion Geographic Society.
The Royal Road to Romance by R.C. Halliburton, 1925.
The Glorious Adventure by R.C. Halliburton, 1927.
New Worlds to Conquor by R.C. Halliburton, 1929.
The Flying Carpet by R.C. Halliburton, 1932.
Seven League Boots by R.C. Halliburton, 1935.
The Complete Book of Marvels by R.C. Halliburton, 1937.
India Speaks by R.C. Halliburton, 1939.
one of the Dominion Geographic Society’s founding members (David P. Beache) has a signed copy of his book, Seven League Boots.

Halliburton’s 1935 signature