Historical Firearms (real and replica) [More Coming Soon! – under construction]
You may encounter hostiles on your expeditions from the local people to large carnivorous animals, like pumas & tigers, grizzly bears, or cocodrilos, so perhaps one or more of your team members could pack a weapon. Now, be sure to do everything you can to work within the measure of the law, but if you’re out in a proper wilderness with real dangers, you may want to protect yourself. If you’re venturing a little closer to home, replicas will do just fine. As a side note, replicas are terribly heavy and may cause some discomfort on a long haul, but you’ll be able to determine what you should and shouldn’t bring along as you experience more expeditions. (I don’t even like to carry my tiny mobile phone because it’s extra weight and I get no bars out in the bush anyway). It all depends on how you wish your expedition photos to appear in the end, but a big knife might help you out of a sticky wicket.
Generally, we aim to present shell firing long arms and handguns, or non-replicas thereof, in our kit; firearms from about the 1870s to the 1920s. [add more here]
As a rule, we favour the military arms of the British Empire and of North America, but there’s no telling where a team mate may come from or where he or she may have acquired a firearm. Perhaps her uncle brought back her great grandfather’s pistol from the Old Country, perhaps a team member has ventured to join your group all the way from the Orient (or even the Disorient)! As our outfits and uniforms are anything but uniform, so it goes with our hardware and kit – just keep it to the period and come up with a good story as to why you have it and it’ll all be grand.
We do want to avoid a complete era mismatch or you get this sad, anachronistic effect.
We also emphatically frown (so much so that our faces ache for days after) upon ray guns and other such science fiction.
Popular firearms:
Martini-Henry rifle
Lee Metford rifle
Enfield rifle
Webley revolver
Colt revolver
Colt 1911 pistol
Shotgun / coach gun / alley sweeper
Maxim machine gun
Gatling gun (not terribly portable)
Flare pistol
Wheeled cannon
Other weapons:
bowie knife
sabre / sword
cane knife
hunting knife
powder keg & fuse

It’s Martini Time.