My brother Duncan urged that I travel to Orion, Alberta, Canada, to see a striking landscape.
He understated that entirely. It was more than striking. It was incredible!

Giant red stone balls sunken into the earth, some smashed open!

There were many cacti in the area. A place to watch your step!
It was apparent this was also a place favoured by rattlesnakes. I heard them, but didn’t see them.

Can you feel the power of the mighty, god hewn balls?

There are so many! And scattered so far!
Clearly, this must’ve been the remnants of an ancient Bacci Ball match played by the gods in ancient times. These gods must’ve fought violently by throwing the balls at each other, causing some to shatter. The balls were so eroded, the game must’ve been played deep in pre-history, by forgotten gods perhaps never to be identified.
That is my scientific opinion.

I heard the contant rumble of distant thunder.

A serious tripping hazard.

Light broke through the threatening storm clouds

I left before the storm came, in awe. And in reverence.
Report by Captain A.E. Sable, September, 1922